The Projective view: Sunyoung Kwon , Sangsoo Lee, Byeongsam Jeon

24 November 2022 - 4 January 2023 Busan
Installation Views
SEOJUNG ART Busan is pleased to announce ‘The Projective View’, a 3-person exhibition of Kwon Sun Young, Lee Sang Soo, and Jeon Byeong Sam covering various artistic vocabularies from collage to digital painting, photography, and sculpture.

This exhibition examines the perspectives and interpretations of artists looking at the lives of modern people. As if focusing on a camera, they trace and observe the fragments of life with their eyes and record the traces.

Kwon Sun Young creates a flower garden by reducing the images she encounters in her daily life and collaging them into digital prints. Through her artistic perspective, everyday objects such as flyers, books, bottles, watches, and hand creams transform with new meanings and various colors. The artist's splendid and alluring garden also suggests a different side of everyday objects in that her garden consists of scrap pieces and discarded objects that have lost their original function. As the accidental collage of fragmentary images of objects forms an invisible relationship, Kwon's work draws the viewer's attention to the continuum of life.

Lee Sang Soo presents a series of animal sculptures composed of minimal 'lines'. To create a visually dynamic sculpture, Lee draws out the animal's structural characteristics around the animal's main skeleton, adds a sleek silhouette to depict movement, and leaves the rest of the omitted physical features to the viewer's imagination. He brings steel animal structures to life by creating drawings using 3D programs and then processing them utilizing various output methods to give them physicality. In addition, Lee's sculptures capture the actions and movements unique to each animal. Inspired by Picasso's drawings that reproduce shapes with simple drawing lines, Lee Sang Soo projects his imagination to fill the invisible.

Jeon Byeong Sam and his photographs also allow us to look into the essence of objects in the way of obliteration rather than representation. There are various ways to reproduce objects, such as maximizing small parts that cannot be easily captured with the naked eye or creating an optical illusion through omission. Jeon goes further by paying attention to the properties of phenomena through the methods of 'folding' and 'unfolding'. The Moment series introduced in this exhibition is made by layering layers of image fragments that exude from the sides of a printed photograph when folded in half. What is seen in this work may be simply a series of 'lines', but the thousands of identical photos and countless stories contained within them simultaneously raise the question of presence and absence of meaning. The artist creates this paradox by choosing photography as a medium and actively annihilating its original function, reinforcing the artistic message that “disappearing is not the end, but a new beginning”.

'Projective View' implies a story about all aspects of the world we see through overlapping and omission of images. This exhibition is a journey of confronting the invisible–where they were and what they saw–in the works of Kwon Sun Young, Lee Sang Soo, and Jeon Byeong Sam, and fills that void with your active imagination.

Film by Artdrunk